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Explore HeartMath’s collection of free resource and downloadable materials for expanding your heart connections including practical solutions for your personal growth, health and life fulfillment.
Lifting Global Consciousness: Expanding Our Capacity to Love
With Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.
September 28, 2019
During the webinar Rozman discussed how people are experiencing the enhanced benefits of coming together with like intention to raise individual and collective conscious. She also shared about the upcoming event Lifting Global Consciousness: Raising Our Vibration and Expanding Our Capacity to Love taking place on the Mayan Riviera on the Yucatan Peninsula, November 6-10, 2019!
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Helping Children Reduce Anxiety in School and at Home
With Jessica Minahan, MEd, BCBA, and host Jeffrey Goelitz
August 3, 2019
During the webinar, Jessica Minahan, MEd, BCBA, and host Jeffrey Goelitz discussed how anxiety is the leading mental health issue among today's youth. Jessica shared several preventive tools, strategies, and interventions for reducing anxiety and negative thinking, increasing self-regulation, executive functioning, and self-monitoring.
Up-Lift 2018 – Raising Our Higher Consciousness Capacity Activating the Global Heart
With Howard Martin, Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., and Owen Ward
August 25, 2018
We live in a time when it is so essential to bring together people who hold in their hearts a vision of a world and future of greater peace, harmony and coherence. Learn more about the HeartMath annual gathering of such people.
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Empowering Coherent Groups: New Frontiers in Social Coherence Research and Development
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
November 5, 2017
What happens when a group's members are resonating in-sync – past their normal performance levels? Researcher explains how an energetic field connects individual group members, which simultaneously distributes information between the group members leading to key social behaviours. Learn about a new heart rate variability system being developed for measuring group coherence and a training program for facilitating team and group coherence.
Activating the Global Heart - Mexico Heart Adventure!
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., and Howard Martin
July 12, 2017
We live in a time when it is so essential to bring together people who hold in their hearts a vision of a world and future of greater peace, harmony and coherence. Learn more about the HeartMath annual gathering of such people.
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Giving a Voice to Nature: A Global Network for Monitoring Tree Potentials
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
May 4, 2017
In the webinar, Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., discussed what he and his staff had learned thus far while monitoring the tree potentials of oak and redwood trees in a Northern California forest area. He also shared about the history of tree potentials research, how trees may predict earthquakes, Phase II of the project and next steps, plus more.
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Awakening the Power of We: The New Science of Interconnectivity
With Gregg Braden and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
July 23, 2016
Scientists say we are profoundly connected to Earth, including through frequencies directly affecting the heart and brain. This fascinating webinar explains the science of interconnectivity, the global information field and techniques for increasing intuition and unfolding the true self.
e-Learning, HeartMath and the Future
With Jeff Goelitz and Kim Bent
May 13, 2016
Learn what HeartMath is doing and envisions in this exciting area of education in e-Learning, HeartMath and the Future, a free webinar. Hosting this presentation are HeartMath Institute Education Specialist Jeff Goelitz and Kim Bent, host and producer of the PBS Rhode Island show, Catch the Science Bug.
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HeartMath Resilience Training for Dutch First Responders
From HeartMath Benelux
December 9, 2015
HeartMath Benelux trains people and organizations to increase their resilience, and implement the tools, techniques and technology developed by the HeartMath Institute.
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Heart-to-Heart Communication With Horses
With Ann Baldwin Ph.D. and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
October 30, 2015
Horses and humans have had a close relationship for millennia, due in large measure because they've learned to communicate so well, as Ann Baldwin, Ph.D., has explored in studies detailed in this fascinating webinar.
Managing Emotional Mayhem: The Bedrock of Emotional Well-Being and Healthy Relationships
With Dr. Becky Bailey and Jeff Goelitz
September 16, 2015
Despite our yearning for acceptance, friendship and love, we seem to be in constant conflict, but we can teach our children and ourselves how to manage our connections with others.
Engaging the Natural Healing Systems of the Brain for Self-Regulation, Heart Rate Variability and Beyond
With Bessel van der Klok, M.D., hosted by Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.
August 3, 2015
In this webinar, Dr. van der Kolk will explain how trauma affects the brain and the body, its underlying neurobiology and a variety of treatment approaches that allow children and adults to move beyond trauma and reclaim their lives and relationships.
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The Science of Interconnectivity
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Mike Atkinson and host Jeff Goelitz
June 11, 2015
An unseen, but detectable field that surrounds each of us carries information about us and connects us with all living things. Top researchers examine this emerging scientific field.
What is Collective Coherence?
With Deborah Rozman and Howard Martin
May 14, 2015
Join Global Coherence Initiative Steering Committee members Howard Martin and Deborah Rozman as they explore the science of collective coherence. In addition to explaining the science of collective coherence, Rozman and Martin will offer a technique to help raise your personal vibratory rate, and accelerate coherence in our global community.
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Serving Those Who Serve Us: Overview of HeartMath Programs for Veterans, the Military and Their Families
With Robert A. Bradley, Michele Lash, Julie Hutchinson and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 19, 2015
Service members, veterans or their family members can tell you plenty of stories about how military life changed their world. Certainly, there are lots of stories about the positive aspects of military life – doing something worthwhile, pride in serving your country, growth and becoming a better person. There also are the many stories of hardships, tragedies and the array of challenges so many face in the years following their service.
The Power of Self-Care in Parenting: A Gift to Your Entire Family
With Cathy Cassani Adams, Todd Adams and Jeff Goelitz
February 18, 2015
If you are a parent, you owe it to yourself to download The Power of Self-Care in Parenting: A Gift to Your Entire Family. This special free live webinar will address a variety of parents' unique needs. It only makes sense that parents who take care of themselves – in other words practice self-care of their mental, emotional and physical well-being – are likely to be more effective at raising their children.
Results of GCI Interconnectedness Study and Installation of New Sensor Site
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 15, 2015
Key findings of a GCI study on effects of solar activity and Earth’s magnetic fields on research participants are discussed. The Global Coherence Initiative and highlights of the installation of the GCI Saudi Arabia sensor site also are reviewed.
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The Measurement of Earth and Ionospheric Magnetic Fields and their Effects on Human Health and Behaviors
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 15, 2015
The potential influences of solar and geomagnetic rhythms and other activity on human beings is of great importance to research organizations worldwide today, including the Global Coherence Initiative. GCI data illustrating this along with an overview of the magnetic sensors collecting this data are presented.
DNA and Cell Reprogramming via Epigenetic Information Delivered by Magnetic Fields, Sound Vibrations and Coherent Water
With Dr. Carlo Ventura, M.D., and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 14, 2015
Researchers discuss the latest findings in cell reprogramming and potential health benefits, DNA teleport experiments and the implications for gene modification by the heart’s electromagnetic field.
The Inside Story of Being a HeartMath Institute Trainer
With Christiana Bishop and Jeff Goelitz
February 14, 2015
HeartMath Institute trainers share a deep heartfelt sense of achievement and joy in help people experience who they truly are.
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The Resilience Factor – Building Your Energy Reserves During Changing Times
With Howard Martin and Bruce Cryer
February 13, 2015
Resilience is that extra something that helps us bounce back and move forward after difficult times. That makes acquiring skills that help us build resilience will be especially important for the future challenges of our changing world.
The Educator's Guide to emWave Technology
With Jeff Goelitz and a panel of educators
February 12, 2015
Distinguished educators across North America explain how they use this technology in classrooms and other educational settings and provide tips and tools for achieving optimal results.
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How Practicing Coherence Enhances Cognitive Functions and Helps Offset Cognitive Decline
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 11, 2015
Did you know aligning your brain and heart by practicing coherence is a scientifically validated method for enhancing cognitive abilities like memory, focus and attentiveness? It's also the perfect antidote against cognitive decline.
Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes
With Gregg Braden and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 11, 2015
From climate change, failing economies and our planet's ever-increasing pace, we live in extreme times. Learn to adapt quickly and build resilience for navigating current and future challenges amid the great shift in global consciousness.
Perspectives on Resilience in These Changing Times
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 11, 2015
Your innate resilience capacity for prevention, recuperation and recovery eases you through challenges in your daily activities and encounters.
Helping Children Manage Stress
With Timothy Culbert, M.D., and Jeff Goelitz
February 11, 2015
Children are more stressed today than ever. The modern world moves at lightning speed. Its problems are many and complex. Parents, educators and others are using natural and practical techniques like habits of the heart to help children grow up happy and less stressful.
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Cultivating Positive Discipline for Children
With Jane Nelsen and Jeff Goelitz
February 11, 2015
The acclaimed Positive Discipline model is a loving guide for parents, teachers and others on disciplining children while being respectful, kind and firm.
The Autism Revolution: Whole Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be
With Martha Herbert, M.D., Ph.D. and Jeff Goelitz
February 11, 2015
Small changes can make a significant difference in children with autism. The latest research, technologies, insights and inspiring case studies are presented.
Kids Beyond Limits: Breakthrough Results for Children with Autism, Brain Damage, ADHD and Developmental Delays
With Anat Baniel and Jeff Goelitz
February 11, 2015
How can parents and teachers and clinicians who treat children help those with special needs overcome challenges and dramatically improve a wide range of abilities? The Kids Beyond Limits webinar will offer remarkable insights and practical advice for children with disabilities.
The Zones of Regulation
With Leah Kuypers and Jeff Goelitz
February 11, 2015
The Zones' color-coded system of strategies and skills teaches students to take personal responsibility for self-regulating their emotions, instead of waiting for school staff to get involved.
Why Children Misbehave and How to Encourage Behavior Change
With Dr. Jane Nelsen and Jeff Goelitz
February 10, 2015
Research shows children typically are hardwired at birth to connect with people. Nurturing this and employing positive discipline can help young people to become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of their communities.
The Science of Intuition: Developing Yours
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 10, 2015
HeartMath Institute has studied human intuition for many years, conducting extensive case studies and compiling diverse historic research and perspectives. Learn to fine-tune your intuitive ability.
Creating Your Energetic Field Environment For More Flow and Ease Through Life
With Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., and Howard Martin
February 10, 2015
The energetic field environment around each of us is ours for the shaping. Learns to use tools to create the field you desire.
Three Keys for Recharging Your Inner Battery
With Jeff Goelitz and Sarah Moor
February 10, 2015
What's draining your battery? Monitoring and managing your internal energy resources is an essential skill. Start your inner renewal and replenish vital energy with the Prep, Reset and Sustain action tool.
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Navigate Your Life With The State of Ease
With Jeff Goelitz, M.Ed., and Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.
February 10, 2015
There's a state of ease we can access and in these times of challenge and stress. Practicing the Inner Ease Technique helps release emotional turbulence and maintain the heart, mind and emotions' coherent alignment.
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Increasing Personal and Global Coherence – Tips and Techniques for Amplifying the Effectiveness of Your Caring Intentions
With Deborah Rozman Ph.D.
February 10, 2015
Join respected author, educator and researcher Deborah Rozman to learn how you can increase personal and collective coherence. Rozman will explain what coherence is and share coherence-building techniques. You'll see a real-time demonstration of how coherence affects the heart and nervous system and also gain new insights into how you can add more potency to your caring intentions, reduce stress, improve health and help the planet.
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Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well
With Doug Stone and Jeff Goelitz
February 10, 2015
We all need feedback, which people give us at every turn, but we want to be accepted for who we are. Learn to balance these and accept the "advice" gracefully.
Children Growing Up in the Digital Age
With Linda Stone and Jeff Goelitz
February 10, 2015
Most children today are better at surfing the Internet or using a smartphone than swimming or making their own breakfast. Five-year-old children are able to Google when they want to know something. The iPhone and iPad are at the top of holiday wish lists for children aged 6 to 12. Seventy-two percent of teens are text-messagers, with 1 in 3 texting more than 100 messages per day.
Energetic Connectivity – The Heart Field Environment
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 9, 2015
Explore scientific data showing the deep and fundamental interconnectedness of all things – between people, people and animals and people and Earth's energetic systems. Includes methods for deepening your connectedness.
Coherence: Bridging Personal, Social and Global Health
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 9, 2015
Begin raising your personal heart coherence to a more optimal state by more consistently self-regulating emotions from a more intuitive, intelligent and balanced inner reference. As you learn how in this presentation, you'll improve your cognitive ability and health – and the global community’s overall coherence.
Living on the Edge: Finding Personal Peace in the World's Perfect Storm
With Gregg Braden and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 9, 2015
Where are we headed? What do great minds today have to say? You can find peace amid the chaos.
You Can Change Your Field Environment
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., and Jeff Goelitz
February 9, 2015
Positive and negative thoughts, attitudes and emotions affect our persona field environment and others' as well. Change yours and the world's with genuine love, appreciation, care and compassion.
The Shift is Accelerating: Patience to Point 0
With Howard Martin
February 9, 2015
The shift in global consciousness is accelerating. People are excited, but uncertain and anxious. This presentation will sort it out and show how you can increase ease and flow.
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You and Your Heart's Intuition!
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 9, 2015
Ever wondered where your intuition comes from? IHM has compiled conclusive evidence showing the heart is a dominant source of intelligence – and intuition. Take this fascinating journey to learn about your intuition and how to increase it.
The Science of Heart Rate Variability Made Simple: What it is and Why It's Important to You
With Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
February 9, 2015
Heart rate variability – the beat-to-beat changes in heart rhythms – is a measure of health and well-being. Understanding why and how to manage can be life-transforming. A leading authority explains what you need to know about this important process.
How to Reduce Worry and Feelings of Anxiety About Money
With Dr. Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., and Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.
July 24, 2014
Feeling worried and anxious about money? You're not alone! Is financial stress eating away at your basic sense of security? Instead of trying harder to think your way through these problems, consider a heart-based approach.
The Energetic Heart
By Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
August 7, 2024
Discover why the heart's electromagnetic field is believed to act as a central synchronizing signal within the body, an important carrier of emotional information and a key mediator of energetic interactions between people. This 20-page monograph explores HeartMath Institute's and others' research on bioelectromagnetic interactions and how living and acting from a coherent heart state can affect those around us.
10 HeartMath Practices for Reducing the Stress in Pressured Decisions, Choices and Interactions
From HeartMath Institute
October 14, 2021
10 HeartMath Practices includes heart-based exercises and short articles of inspiration to help you move through these challenging times with much less stress, more self-security, and clearer thinking, especially for hard-to-make choices.
The Inside Story: Understanding the Power of Feelings
By Doc Childre and HeartMath Institute
July 6, 2021
The Inside Story helps teens and young adults understand the connection between their emotions, health, performance and daily lives. This engaging and visually pleasing text is clearly written and full of vital information pertaining to the latest research in neuroscience, emotional physiology and stress.
12 HeartMath Tools for Reducing Stress and Staying Balanced
From HeartMath Institute
December 6, 2020
The 12 HeartMath Tools for Reducing Stress and Staying Balanced, guide is filled with 12 effective HeartMath tools and practices, taught in mentoring and coaching sessions, classes and workshops around the world. The tools and practices in this guide will help you engage and deepen the connection with your heart qualities to move with more inner balance, poise and self-security through stressful times.
The Science of Interconnectivity - Exploring the Human-Earth Connection
By Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. and Annette Deyhle Ph.D.
September 27, 2017
Classical physics for millennia has defined reality as a vast array of solid objects separated by empty space. Scientists today, however, suggest an unseen thread ties all things together, what the authors of the 34-page e-book call a holistic web of interconnectedness. They explore the emerging field view of reality and the four central hypotheses that drive HeartMath's Global Coherence Initiative research, including that Earth's magnetic fields carry biologically relevant information that connects all living systems.
Overcoming Emotional Chaos: Eliminating Anxiety, Lift Depression and Create Security in Your Life
By Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.
April 11, 2017
Provides an in-depth understanding of these common emotions and the scientifically proven Cut-Thru technique and applications on how you can take action to release negative emotions. Learn to dissipate subtler emotional patterns that keep us bogged down and create a future free of anxiety habits. Includes personal evaluations to track your progress.
The Sunshine Secret Story Book
From HeartMath Institute
April 4, 2017
A wonderful story, the transformative adventures of Gloria the glowworm and Leon the chameleon. Together they teach children an age appropriate self-regulation technique, Heart Shine.
The Intuitive Heart: Accessing Inner Guidance To Raise Our Consciousness Baseline
By Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., and Doc Childre
February 2, 2017
Informative and relevant for today's societies. The scientific studies explain the intuitive process for increasingly complex demands of life with greater love, compassion and kindness. Explains how the heart and emotions govern intuition and includes two tools for heart-based living.
Stress Solutions: Proven Methods of Raising Test Scores
From HeartMath
March 9, 2015
Students can learn to increase their coherence, which scientists describe as an optimal performance state that enhances learning. Easy-to-learn steps are included for building coherence, boosting confidence and managing the negative thoughts and feelings that block comprehension and reason.
Heart–Brain Neurodynamics: The Making of Emotions
By Rollin McCraty. Ph.D.
February 14, 2015
Recent scientific research has identified the heart as a key component in the human emotional system, long thought to be the sole domain of the brain. Learn how your emotions are made and processed.
The Coherent Heart: Heart-Brain Interactions, Psychophysiological Coherence, and the Emergence of System-Wide Order
By Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Mike Atkinson, Dana Tomasino, B.A., and Raymond Trevor Bradley, Ph.D.
February 14, 2015
Topics covered include how coherence aids in pain reduction, the interactions between heart rhythms and respiration, and how heart coherence affects emotional experience and hormones such as cortisol and oxytocin. Of particular interest is the thorough discussion of how coherence improves cognitive performance, which highlights how the heart and brain interact to affect cognitive processes.
Successful Decision Making
From HeartMath
February 13, 2015
Raising heart coherence using two key HeartMath science-based techniques can increase access to your intuitive intelligence and the flow of awareness and insight necessary for effective decisions.
Using emWave Technology for Children with ADHD
By Jeff Goelitz and Dr. Tony Lloyd
February 13, 2015
Learn why the emWave Pro version for ages 7-18 has succeeded in improving impulse control and reducing stress in children with ADHD and why they find its applications it fun and appealing.
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Emotional Stress, Positive Emotions and Psychophysiological Coherence
By Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. and Dana Tomasino
February 11, 2015
Experts describe how emotions trigger physiological changes that result in stress responses and give two HeartMath tools to improve health by self-regulating emotions.
The Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance
From HeartMath Institute Research Staff
February 11, 2015
HMI's years of innovative, groundbreaking research are presented with overviews of key areas that have shaped the HeartMath System.
Eliminating Anxiety
From HeartMath
February 11, 2015
Too much to do. Not enough time. Nagging concerns. Lifestyles today certainly contribute to the anxiety and debilitating conditions millions of people experience regularly. You can learn to stop it from an automatic response in your life.
Understanding Care
From HeartMath
February 11, 2015
Care is a soothing tonic, powerful motivator and gentle revitalizer. It comes from deep within the heart. Every kind of care provider – professionals, relatives or friends – must recognize the difference between care and overcare. The Cut-Thru is perfect for balancing care.
Solving Sleeplessness
From HeartMath
February 11, 2015
Whether from overextending ourselves, information overload, fear or anxiety, sleeplessness/insomnia affects millions of us. This HeartMath guide and the Heart Lock-In can help you achieve restful nights and daytime balance.
The Power of Emotion
From HeartMath
February 11, 2015
How amazing and beautiful is our world viewed through the prism of emotions. Try these practices to learn what's happening in your feeling world.
Reducing Test Anxiety and Improving Test Performance in America's Schools
By Raymond Trevor Bradley, Ph.D., Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Mike Atkinson, Lourdes Arguelles, Ph.D., Robert A. Rees, Ph.D., and Dana Tomasino
February 11, 2015
This summary of major findings and science-based solutions in HeartMath Institute’s groundbreaking TestEdge National Demonstration Study illuminates the widespread problem of test anxiety.
The De-Stress kit for Changing Times
By Doc Childre
February 10, 2015
HeartMath's founder offers caring, effective and timely advice to a world in need. You'll love embracing the message and using these simple tools.
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Improving Relationships
From HeartMath
February 10, 2015
Our relationships can be joyful or heartbreaking. HeartMath's Authentic Communication tool highlights this e-booklets' secrets for healthy, loving and long-lasting relationships.
The Hidden Power of the Heart
By Sara Childre
February 10, 2015
This wonderful story about your heart's amazing capacity is a comforting guide for becoming more loving, compassionate and peaceful. It's also a rich adventure that delves into mind-expanding topics like holographic awareness and DNA blueprints.
The Appreciative Heart: The Psychophysiology of Positive Emotions and Optimal Functioning
By Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., and Doc Childre
February 9, 2015
The heart's association with positive emotions has endured for millennia. HeartMath's research explains the underlying science. Tools for heart-based living are included.
The State of Ease
By Doc Childre
February 9, 2015
As life grows more complicated with greater responsibilities, pressures and inner turbulence, we strive for calm and peace. Intuitively, we know the state of ease will help us realign our heart, mind and emotions. Learn the Inner-Ease Technique.
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Transforming Stress
By Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.
July 24, 2014
Excessive stress is unhealthful and pervasive. Engage your heart to lose old stress-producing patterns and create new healthy ones.
Resilience and the Emotional Landscape for Veterans and Service Members
From HeartMath Institute
July 24, 2014
Raising your coherence – your internal physiology when it is in sync – allows you to take charge of yourself and regulate your energy. Included are two key techniques to stop energy drain and give you the power to directly affect your body's responses to stressful situations.
The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People
By Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
July 24, 2014
When you're around others, but not actively communicating via your voice and brain, your heart is! Your heart's electromagnetic field continuously sends out and receives signals. The heart is an important carrier of emotional information and a key mediator of energetic interactions between people.
Easing Fatigue
From HeartMath
July 24, 2014
Everyone gets tired. It's natural, but reacting with negative emotions to frustrations and irritations in our lives over time puts us at risk of fatigue. Practicing the Asset/Deficit exercise to pinpoint what sparks those reactions can ease and even prevent fatigue.
Successful Decision Making
From HeartMath
February 13, 2015
Raising heart coherence using two key HeartMath science-based techniques can increase access to your intuitive intelligence and the flow of awareness and insight necessary for effective decisions.
Eliminating Anxiety
From HeartMath
February 11, 2015
Too much to do. Not enough time. Nagging concerns. Lifestyles today certainly contribute to the anxiety and debilitating conditions millions of people experience regularly. You can learn to stop it from an automatic response in your life.
Quiet Joy
By Doc Childre
February 11, 2015
Enter the state of Quiet Joy with these serene compositions and align the heart’s beauty and intelligence through the power of mind, body and spirit. Improve your nervous system, hormonal balance and immune-system response.
Solving Sleeplessness
From HeartMath
February 11, 2015
Whether from overextending ourselves, information overload, fear or anxiety, sleeplessness/insomnia affects millions of us. This HeartMath guide and the Heart Lock-In can help you achieve restful nights and daytime balance.
The De-Stress kit for Changing Times
By Doc Childre
February 10, 2015
HeartMath's founder offers caring, effective and timely advice to a world in need. You'll love embracing the message and using these simple tools.
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The Biology of Belief: Mind Over Genes
With Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
February 9, 2015
A scientific revolution in thought and understanding is under way and it could change our world. Rather than being victims of our genes, we have unlimited capacity for overflowing peace, happiness and love, as demonstrated by current cell biology, epigenetics and physics.
Transforming Stress
By Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.
July 24, 2014
Excessive stress is unhealthful and pervasive. Engage your heart to lose old stress-producing patterns and create new healthy ones.
The Quick Coherence Technique for Adults
From HeartMath Institute Staff
July 24, 2014
Researchers developed this tool to help release stress, anxiety, anger and other negative emotions to stabilize you and reconnect you quickly with your true heart.
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Shift and Shine Technique for Ages 3-6
From HeartMath Institute Staff
July 24, 2014
Parents, teachers and others who care for children can enhance the wonder, learning desire and joyful qualities of the heart with this fun and effective tool. It also has been proven to aid in promoting positive emotions and controlling impulsive behavior.
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The Quick Coherence Technique for Teens
From HeartMath Institute
July 24, 2014
Negative emotions can hurt our relationships or get in the way during test-taking and other academic tasks. Quick Coherence was designed to calm our emotions and give us a quick energy boost.
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HeartShift Tool for Ages 7–11
From HeartMath Institute Staff
July 24, 2014
Children love feeling good in the heart. Teach them to shift there whenever they're sad, upset or feeling poorly. Heart centeredness is the healthy way to lift up their spirits.
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Shift and Shine Technique for Ages 3-6
From HeartMath Institute Staff
July 24, 2014
Parents, teachers and others who care for children can enhance the wonder, learning desire and joyful qualities of the heart with this fun and effective tool. It also has been proven to aid in promoting positive emotions and controlling impulsive behavior.
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The Quick Coherence Technique for Adults
From HeartMath Institute Staff
July 24, 2014
Researchers developed this tool to help release stress, anxiety, anger and other negative emotions to stabilize you and reconnect you quickly with your true heart.
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The Quick Coherence Technique for Teens
From HeartMath Institute
July 24, 2014
Negative emotions can hurt our relationships or get in the way during test-taking and other academic tasks. Quick Coherence was designed to calm our emotions and give us a quick energy boost.
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HeartShift Tool for Ages 7–11
From HeartMath Institute Staff
July 24, 2014
Children love feeling good in the heart. Teach them to shift there whenever they're sad, upset or feeling poorly. Heart centeredness is the healthy way to lift up their spirits.
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HeartMath Appreciation Tool and Exercises
From HeartMath Institute
July 24, 2014
Sincere appreciation is a powerful pathway for improving mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Appreciating yourself, a loved one, friend or pet can quickly connect you to your heart, where intuition and unlimited inspiration and possibilities reside. Here is a tool for a lasting connection.
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