Activating the Global Heart – Mexico Heart Adventure!
Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., and Howard Martin
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We live in a time when it is so essential to bring together people who hold in their hearts a vision of a world and future of greater peace, harmony and coherence.
Did you know HeartMath Institute sponsors an annual gathering of such people? You can learn about how they are lifting up our planet and how you can participate in this year’s event during this special informational webinar.
What you’ll learn in the Mexico Adventure! webinar:
- Highlights of research in the last year and a preview of new research.
- The Global consciousness shift and coming together to create a new baseline.
- The first-ever Trainers Day for HeartMath’s certified trainers, Intervention Program trainers, HeartMath coach/mentors and international alliance staff.
- Attendees come from around the world!
- The unique experience that takes place at the Mexico Heart Adventure!
- Inspirational Heart Humanitarian awards presented during the event.
Register by September 30, 2017 to save a total of $200.
.MP4 File (113 MB) – High-speed connection recommended
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