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9 Ways to Ease Your Money

Nine Ways to Ease Your Money Worries

17214 Views = 7

Feel a knot in your stomach when you sit down to pay the bills each month? Wake up in the middle of the night wondering how or when you'll ever get out of debt? Do helplessness and hopelessness set in when you read the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer? Does it anger you that average working wages inch up in tiny increments, that the cost of living is on the rise and interest rates likely will soon follow?

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HMI Blog Child obesity-emotional eating

Childhood Obesity and Emotional Eating

23568 Views = 14

Currently, an estimated 1 billion people – that’s a little over 1 in 7 – are overweight, and at least 300 million of them are classified as clinically obese, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported. Decades of monitoring the weight of the world clearly show the number of overweight and obese people is rising fast and the crisis is as severe in many parts of the world among children and adolescents ages of 2-19 as it is among adults.

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Each Individual Impacts the Field Environment

Each Individual Impacts the Field Environment

186050 Views = 53

Each individual’s thoughts, attitudes and emotions emit energetic fields. These individual field environments not only affect you, your health and perspective on life, they also can influence your relationships and experiences in your social field environments as you interact with people, or even if you are merely in the same room with other people. Can we change our individual, social, and even planetary environments and create the one in which we choose to live?  We can.

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Early HeartSmarts Study

Early HeartSmarts Study

10108 Views = 3

Researchers at the HeartMath Institute announced recently the results of a study in which children in 19 preschools within the Salt Lake City School District participated in the Early HeartSmarts program. Click here to review abstract and research paper.

Earlier this year the HMI newsletter carried a story about the Salt Lake City schools program and study, Facilitating Emotional Self-Regulation in Preschool Children: Efficacy of the Early HeartSmarts Program in Promoting Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Development. The study's purpose was to determine the effectiveness of Early HeartSmarts (EHS) in helping teachers "to guide and support young children in learning emotional self-regulation and key age-appropriate socio-emotional competencies, with the goal of facilitating their emotional, social and cognitive development."

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An Appreciative Heart is Good Medicine

An Appreciative Heart is Good Medicine

47974 Views = 44

Psychologists once maintained that emotions were purely mental expressions generated by the brain alone. We now know this is not true. Emotions have as much to do with the heart and body as they do with the brain. Of all your body’s organs, it is the heart, a growing number of scientists theorize, that plays perhaps the most important role in our emotional experience. What we experience as an emotion is the result of the brain, heart, and body acting in concert.

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From the Mouths of Babes

From the Mouths of Babes

7856 Views = 4

People from many places and walks of life have shared stories with the HeartMath Institute over the years about their emWave® experiences. Each one reinforces IHM’s commitment to its mission of helping to establish heart-based living and global coherence by inspiring people to connect with the intelligence and guidance of their own hearts.

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