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Category Archives: HeartMath Tools & Techniques

The Heart - An Agent of Transformation Blog article

The Heart – An Agent of Transformation

30577 Views = 9

The Heart – An Agent of Transformation

It is no secret that our world is changing fast. As you face this period of accelerated change, do you feel you have the tools you need to deal with and adjust to all that is happening?

Historically, there is evidence the heart could help us navigate the ever-shifting terrain we experience daily. HeartMath Institute’s research shows the heart possesses a unique intelligence that can help you adjust to accelerating change. When you access this intelligence, you will have more clarity and power to quickly clear away unwanted thoughts and feelings and adjust to rapid change with confidence.

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Heart Hologramming Who You Want to Be blog article

Heart Hologramming Who You Want to Be

51966 Views = 31

ho-lo-gram — a three-dimensional image created by directing two coherent light sources such as a lazer, a source beam and reference beam, through a two-dimensional image.

Heart Ho-lo-gram-ming — a practice in which an individual sincerely focuses/directs spirit and heart intelligence to the heart's true intent — likened to a hologram — to actualize it.

Would any of the following be desirable in your life? a. Wake up each morning knowing that when this day is done, I will be happier, healthier and smarter? b. No matter what happens in my life, I will see the good in everything and everyone? c. I will do one beautiful thing to help our planet each day for the rest of my life?

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9 Ways to Ease Your Money

Nine Ways to Ease Your Money Worries

17081 Views = 7

Feel a knot in your stomach when you sit down to pay the bills each month? Wake up in the middle of the night wondering how or when you'll ever get out of debt? Do helplessness and hopelessness set in when you read the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer? Does it anger you that average working wages inch up in tiny increments, that the cost of living is on the rise and interest rates likely will soon follow?

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Overcare: Make sure Your Care is Helping Not Hurting

Overcare – Make Sure Your Care is Helping, Not Hurting

25763 Views = 21

"Care is love in action," HeartMath Institute founder Doc Childre once said. The capacity to care in human beings and other living creatures is an expression of love that is marvelous to behold.

HMI has cautioned for many years about the importance of balancing the care we feel or experience for family, friends and others in our lives, at the workplace and in issues related to our communities and the world.

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Anchor Your Insights in Four Steps for Sustained Positive Change

8422 Views = 4

Many of us have already had good insights about what we need to do to change repeating patterns that result in stress, damaged relationships or other unwanted outcomes.

We feel the need for change and we're motivated, but when that challenging situation arises, we go through the same mechanical responses. Or we may try acting on an insight for a bit and then slip back. Whether the problem is in our standard reactions to others or in our personal health and work habits, things keep going the way they have been, but you can change them through Anchoring.

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