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Special Care Focus: Empowering the Collective Heart

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Special Care Focus: Empowering the Collective Heart

Welcome to the Special Care Focus: The Global Field Environment – Empowering the Collective Heart. Every Wednesday in October, November, and December 2024, we invite you to participate in this special care focus. Join us at any time that suits you, or synchronize your participation with others around the world at these three convenient times: 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours). To connect with others, please join us on the Global Coherence App.

Let’s start by connecting in the heart with everyone participating in the Care Focus and radiating love and appreciation to each other.

Empowering the Collective Heart

The effectiveness of collective heart power is in its early stages – yet it’s on the rise due to the rapid increase of stress and anxiety throughout the planet and a desperate need for solutions that the mind without the heart can’t deliver.

Profound societal changes will continue to take place as our world becomes increasingly interconnected and interdependent. The changes we are experiencing now are creating a time-release momentum for humanity to open our hearts to kindness, compassionate care, forgiveness, cooperation, and fresh starts.

For humanity to achieve its potential, people need to learn to get along togther. The mind without the heart hasn’t been able to pull this off. We’ve tried that through the ages, and it hasn’t worked. We are running out of ways to find true happiness and making peace with each other. Our hearts ca help about a new respect for our personal and cultural differences — and this is a job for love that can’t be substituted.

Collective Heart in Action

Love is the action word for humanity’s next awareness level of our heart's and intelligence for living peacefully and co-creating together on the planet. More people are awakening to this, realizing we won’t be able to sidestep the heart’s care and its effective guidance. As more of us radiate love and compassion to each other and into the planetary energetic field, it makes it easier for people to connect with their heart’s guidance day-today, which helps to draw what’s best for the whole (and us included).

The need for love has been philosophized for eons – now is the time for love to hit the street running.

Empowering the collective heart starts with us. One of the most effective ways to strengthen our heart power is to take a couple weeks and first practice compassion, while being conscious of whether you are really feeling it or just passing over it. This helps to amplify your heart energy. Each day, practice compassion for other’s hardships while watching the news and elsewhere. Also practice having more sincere kindness and patience with others, even if it’s hard at times. It’s time to trade compassionate latitude for harsh judgments that lead to separation.

Another practice that is so simple we forget to do it – but saves so much energy, frustration, awkward situations, and re-dos (e.g. e-mails we’d like to take back) is learning to pause before acting. This is one of the best energy savers and stress reducers we can practice. Taking pause for even a moment or two allows us a chance to transition from reaction to thoughtful, heart-centered response. When we rush, we often jam the natural flow of our heart’s intuitive guidance. Practice pausing a few times during the day to let your heart’s direction for clearer assessment to come through. With practice, your heart will start to alert you when a pause is needed, or when you should have paused and didn’t (outch!).

Of course, there are more heart qualities you can apply to strengthen your heart power. Many of us have practiced these types of exercises in times past, but they can be especially effective now because of the pressures from increased stress across the planet. Stress and a growing fear in the world can lower the vibration of our heart energy, making us feel less connected in our interactions at times, create sharp drops in our self-security, and leave us stuck in the viral brain fog that so many people are experiencing in today’s times.

The above exercises, when done with geniune heartfelt intention, serve to reboot our heart feelings of care for each other, lift our operational frquency, and reconnect us with our intuition for making the highest best choices for ourselves and for the collective.

"Warmheartedness is the secret sauce in connection." – Doc childre

Care Focus: Empowering the Collective Heart

  1. Sit quietly and breathe love consciously. On the in-breath, imagine breathing in divine love throughout your being. On the out-breath, radiate the feeling of gratitude. Doing this elevates your spirit and helps to bring heart, mind, emotions, and body into coherent alignment and stillness. This creates an energetic conduit for the love and guidance from your larger self to integrate more easily into your day-to-day interactions.
  2. Now, let’s connect with all people who are radiating heart energy into the planetary energetic field. See this helping to empower the collective heart. Envision more people connecting with their heart’s guidance to replace judgments with compassion, express warm-hearted care to those they interact with, and make more heart-based decisions.
  3. Make a commitment to pause more during the day to radiate love or appreciation into the environment wherever you are: in meetings, on the phone, at the dinner table, watching the news, shopping, driving to work, walking in nature, etc. Know that each time you do this, it helps increase your capacity to love and to connect with your intuitive guidance for smarter moves through life’s challenges.
  4. Now let’s close by radiating our collective love and compassion to people and nations on the planet suffering from wars, trauma, natural disasters, and other major stressors, as your heart guides you.

Thank you for your participation in this Special Care Focus.

Thank you for Caring.

  • Learn more about the Global Coherence App, Synchronized Care Focus events and to how to download the app.

  • The following website is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone.

    • Select Time: 8 p.m. (date optional).
    • Convert from: Location: USA – California – San Francisco.
    • Convert to: Location: (Select your Country/City).

Please feel free to share this Special Care Focus with anyone in your life you feel may benefit.

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