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Each Individual Impacts the Field Environment

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Each Individual Impacts the Field Environment

Each individual’s thoughts, attitudes and emotions emit energetic fields. These individual field environments not only affect you, your health and perspective on life, they also can influence your relationships and experiences in your social field environments as you interact with people, or even if you are merely in the same room with other people. Can we change our individual, social, and even planetary environments and create the one in which we choose to live?  We can.

Attitudes of coherent genuine love, appreciation, care and compassion change a field environment – both locally – say in a meeting you are in – and throughout the world. Coherence is a highly efficient state in which all of the body’s systems work together in harmony. Increasing personal coherence creates an alignment of mind, body, emotions and spirit through the power of the heart. Heart coherence serves as a facilitator, adding strength and effectiveness to your care, compassion, intentions and actions to help the world.

The electromagnetic field generated by the heart is the most powerful rhythmic energy field produced by

the body. Studies conducted in HMI’s laboratory have shown that the heart’s electromagnetic field can be detected by other individuals and can produce measurable effects in a person 5 feet away. Our data show that the heart’s electromagnetic field becomes more organized during positive emotional – heart-coherent – states.

Read more, The Electricity of Touch: Detection and Measurement of Cardiac Energy Exchange Between People.

Individual Field Environment

Sometimes we wake up in the morning and our energy field is sunny-side-up and bubbly. Then our pitch drops after a few bumpy interactions such as I spilled my coffee; I can’t find my keys; I’m late for work; and so on. Such frustrations often magnetize more negative thoughts, insecurity and anxiety, leaving you more vulnerable to plate overload, impossible time crunches and personal energy drain. You can reset the pitch of your individual field environment by doing the following:

Stop, relax a few minutes, while imagining yourself breathing the attitude of neutral in through your heart or chest area. This quiets the energy of frustration and anxiety. Then you can re-center yourself in the heart and replace the negative field environment with a positive attitude and outlook. Then tell yourself, “You’re back in charge now.” It’s important to learn to shift your pitch in the field environment when you find yourself in the “drain mode.”

Social Field Environment

A family dinner, your next business meeting and social gatherings are examples of social field environments. When you hear someone say, “You could cut the tension in the room with a knife,” in essence this is referring to a turbulent field environment. Lively discussions in business meetings that spiral down into arguments can leave people in the room feeling, “Why even be in here? What a waste of my precious time,” etc. In contrast, you’ve also probably been in places with people communicating from their heart space and heard comments that the energy in the room (field environment) was upbeat, heart-based and inspired creative interaction and solutions. The people felt refreshed and energized by the positive field-environment.

Most people have experienced the situations above. The collective energy in a room makes up the field-environment, which vibrates at a certain pitch. The overall room pitch or vibration, is based on the collective pitch of the individuals in the room. Often when a few individuals take the initiative, they can change the collective room vibration by increasing their own pitch. This can be done by radiating the attitude of peace and flow into the field environment while doing deep heart listening, with the intent remaining neutral without judgment. Then sharing from the heart becomes easier and more objective without the negative energy that brings down the collective field environment. Though we can’t help it at times, judgments and criticisms are in most cases, responsible for bringing down the pitch in communication field-environments (meetings or personal communications).

With practice we can learn to reset our personal pitch when communicating with others by returning to deep heart listening from a neutral space without the judgments. As individuals practice maintaining their pitch, then the stronger the collective positive field environment becomes. This makes it easier for all to experience a higher ratio of coherent interaction and save a great deal of energy.

Prep Your Field Environment

Prepping in the mornings before meetings and communications with people helps smooth out your day and especially helps reduce stress build-up.

How to Prep:

  • Take a few quiet minutes to become centered in your heart space.
  • See and feel yourself maintaining a balanced pitch in your meetings and interactions with people.
  • Ask your heart intelligence to cue you up if you start slipping into judgments, excessive drama or resignation.

    If so, see yourself simply shifting back into your heart and resetting your pitch, while not judging yourself for having a pitch drop. We all do at times. Also, send love and positive energy to your meetings before you go. This helps to precondition the field environment. (Don’t unravel if a meeting still goes sideways. We can’t be unrealistic about sending positive energy, because the attitudes of others have a lot to do with outcomes. However sending love and care benefits your system and can increase the ratio of positive outcomes in situations.) Prepping is useful in many day-to-day situations and you can experiment to find where it benefits you the most.

Planetary Field Environment

The planetary field environment encompasses Earth and its people. Much of it is made up of the collective consciousness of the inhabitants. Radiating love into the planetary field environment increases the positive energy, making it easier for the planet and its inhabitants to shift and transmute the accumulated negative energy. Even sending two minutes of loving care a day to mother earth can make a big difference. More and more people are feeling the intuitive nudge to participate in these types of exercises because of a growing sense of responsibility as caretakers. It’s a responsibility like – taking out the trash while dwelling in a family home.

It also helps to take some time to envision the planet the way you want it to be, because thoughts and imagination precede the creation and manifestation of what we are trying to obtain. (Be it a house, car, relationship, vocation, etc.) Besides caring more for earth, another major facet of the planetary shift is realizing the need to be more responsible for our own energy, thoughts, feelings and actions. This especially will upgrade the personal and global field environment.

Remember, we are always creating an effective or ineffective field environment with whatever thoughts, feelings and attitudes we are experiencing or putting out. We can consciously effect positive change in our personal and social field environments. Then the positive field environment will multiply our potential to experience a more balanced and joyful life. As one family, let’s lend a hand and raise the planetary pitch together.