HeartMath Institute

Browse our section.We invite you to browse the HeartMath Institute’s extensive collection of research studies, articles and other materials.

788 results

Tidal Effects on the Schumann Resonance Amplitudes Recorded by the Global Coherence Monitoring Syste...

This paper introduces the Schumann Resonance Complexity Index (SRCI), computed by using the calibrat...

Can Love & Compassion Literally Change the World?

In this episode, host Deborah Rozman talks with Rollin McCraty, Director of Research for the HeartMa...

A Fresh Start: Embracing a Heartfelt Reset

As challenges arise, let this video, A Fresh Start: Embracing a Heartfelt Reset, serve as a gentle r...

Join the 30-Day Coherence Challenge

In this Add Heart Podcast episode led by Deborah Rozman, be inspired as Kyle Boyd and Leah Rush shar...

When the Self Dwells in the Heart: How a Heart-Located Attentional Stance Facilitates A Felt Sense o...

Prior studies demonstrate that self-location in the heart or in the head is associated with particul...

The Viral Potential of Heart and How You Can Help

In this Add Heart Podcast episode led by Deborah Rozman, HeartMath executives Howard Martin and Owen...

Opening the Heart: Exploring the Interpersonal Neurobiology of Spiritual Practices Suitable for Publ...

Modern education has prioritised the intellectual dimension, while giving insufficient attention to...