
Browse our Research section.Browse our Research section to learn about HMI’s tools and technologies that help people improve emotional balance, health and performance.

359 results in Research

An Investigation of a Biofeedback Intervention at a Secondary School as an In-Classroom Self-Regulat...

Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) opportunities decrease when students reach secondary education (Casey...

Global Study of Long Term Heart Rhythm Synchronization in Groups

Heart rhythm measurements over time reflect important elements of Autonomic Nervous System dynamics....

Addressing Mental Health Symptoms Among Covid-19 Healthcare Workers: A Heart Rate Variability Biofee...

Psychological stress among frontline healthcare workers (HCWs) increased during the COVID-19 pandemi...

Report on a Case Study Process Evaluation of a HeartMath Intervention and Faith Following a Traumati...

An initial study was undertaken on a HeartMath intervention, focusing on coherence, resilience and f...

New Race – A Journal of Integral & Future Studies: Human Unity

The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) is a multifaceted, international research endeavor investigati...

Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Intervention Programme to Improve Attention in Primary Schools

The importance of attentional capacity for academic performance is highlighted by the increasing dem...

Effect of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Training on Score and Stress Level of Shooting Athletes

Athletes' exceptional performance during competitions results from a high degree of self-psychologic...

Experimental Evaluation of a Neurophysiological Intervention Designed to Increase Student Resilience...

Social and emotional learning (SEL) interventions have shown promise for building resilience and pro...

The Path to Global Coherence: The Role of the Global Consciousness Project 2.0

The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) is a science-based, international effort that conducts researc...

Practice Effects of a Breathing Technique on Pilots’ Cognitive and Stress Associated Heart Rate Vari...

Commercial pilots endure multiple stressors in their daily and occupational lives which are detrimen...