A Quarterly Newsletter for Educators and Parents
Love Unleashed: The Magic of Collective Hearts in Action – An In-Person HeartMath/Global Coherence Retreat in Santa Cruz, CA Learn More
A Quarterly Newsletter for Educators and Parents
Welcome readers! In our many conversations with educators, parents and those who work in youth agencies, we often share the latest updates that might be relevant to their needs. This newsletter strives to keep our growing network better informed about new developments and stories. We are committed to the well-being of children of all ages, along with educators, parents and families. We invite your comments and requests at info@heartmath.org.
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Volume 5: November 2024 | View Newsletter Archive
HeartMath® Institute
Featured Article
Those of you who watched the recent 2024 Paris Summer Olympics might have seen the incredible swimming accomplishments of Léon Marchand, the French swimmer who won four gold medals. Not commonly known is that he regularly practices Heart Coherence to better manage his stress and anxiety during competitions. HeartMath® Europe brought this to our attention.
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A renowned all-girls institution in New Jersey has made a big commitment to the wholistic development of its 600 Pre-K to 12th grade students, using HeartMath® techniques and ideas in itscurriculum and culture. Health and Wellness Director, Dr. Michelle Stevenson, has trained all faculty, staff and students in HeartMath. Now, through daily practice, students know the techniques by heart.
Learn MoreResearch
Many of you use HeartMath technologies such as the emWave® Pro or Inner Balance™. But what’s the backstory behind the HeartMath technology? Our research director, Rollin McCraty, chronicles this evolution, delving into the early history and contributions of our laboratory, alongside our close advisors and collaborators. This led to an expansion of research and global growth of HRV coherence.
Take a LookActivity
This engaging activity is a proven winner! Whether at school or home, partners take turns drawing shapes and giving instructions to each other on how to duplicate the drawing. They then evaluate their accuracy and switch roles. This game is a great way to improve communication skills while having fun. Heart-Focused Breathing™ helps participants stay calm and focused, making learning more enjoyable.
Learn MoreEducator Video
Rex Sherry: Veteran high school teacher at Chinle High School on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona, utilizes HeartMath® tools to enhance his own well-being and foster a supportive learning environment for his culinary students.
Summer Lall: Board Certified Music Therapist and musician who specializes in working with adolescents. Based out of Los Angeles, Summer created the songs for the HeartSmarts® Adventure and Sunshine Secret™ programs.
Watch VideosA kinder, heart-centered world where we care for one another and live harmoniously in peace.
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