HeartMath Institute

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113 results

Effects of Geomagnetic, Solar and Other Factors on Humans

Effects of Geomagnetic, Solar and Other Factors on Humans "All biological systems on Earth are...

Synchronization of Human Autonomic Nervous System Rhythms with Geomagnetic Activity in Human Subject...

A coupling between geomagnetic activity and the human nervous system’s function was identified...

A Field View of Reality to Explain Human Interconnectedness

“It is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that of man.” –Henry D...

Biofield Physiology: A Framework for an Emerging Discipline

Biofield physiology is proposed as an overarching descriptor for the electromagnetic, biophotonic, a...

Energetic Connectivity – The Heart Field Environment

Energetic Connectivity – The Heart Field Environment Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. Join one of today...

Earth as a Dynamic Body – Electrically and Electromagnetically

Earth as a Dynamic Body – Electrically and Electromagnetically Dr. Friedemann Freund NASA Ames Resea...

Each Individual Impacts the Field Environment

Each individual’s thoughts, attitudes and emotions emit energetic fields. These individual field env...

The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Communication Within and Between People

This chapter will focus on electromagnetic fields generated by the heart that permeate every cell an...

The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People

This fascinating monograph, The Energetic Heart explains the bioelectromagnetic interactions within...