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Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. Scientist, psychophysiologist, executive vice president and director of research at HeartMath Institute, member of the Global Coherence Steering committee and project coordinator of GCI’s Global Coherence Monitoring System. Author, Speaker, Scientists Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., dir...
Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. Scientist, psychophysiologist, executive vice president and director of resear...
The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence – a path to personal, social and global coherence The video is an overview of the amazing and vital role of the heart in our lives, and how our personal energetics shapes our social relationships and ultimately affects global consciousness. The Sci...
The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence – a path to personal, social and global coherenc...
The members of the HeartMath Institute's Board of Directors bring diverse personal and educational backgrounds and life experience to their work overseeing the policies and goals of the nonprofit organization. The institute's Scientific Advisory Board comprises a group of prestigious and internation...
The members of the HeartMath Institute's Board of Directors bring diverse personal and educational b...