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A substantial body of research has demonstrated the relationships between cardiac arrhythmias and geomagnetic activity. In this work, the idea is centered on finding the relationship between the local magnetic field (LMF) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI). It is hypothesized and demonstrate...
A substantial body of research has demonstrated the relationships between cardiac arrhythmias and ge...
Stronger oscillations in the local Earth magnetic field may have an impact on the course of ischemic heart disease. This effect is individual for every person and depends on the sex, age, living territory, season, capability to adjust to magnetic field fluctuations and health status. Individuals who...
Stronger oscillations in the local Earth magnetic field may have an impact on the course of ischemic...
Daily energy expenditure includes resting metabolism (RMR), endogenous thermogenesis (or thermal effects of food), and energy expenditure associated with exercise. RMR depends on body weight, age, gender, genetic factors, medications used and health status. Every living organism is affected by exter...
Daily energy expenditure includes resting metabolism (RMR), endogenous thermogenesis (or thermal eff...
The human body, even at rest, needs energy to perform necessary physiological functions. Strict conditions are required for measuring basal metabolic rate (BMR). Many factors that have a direct impact on BMR including the condition of autonomic nervous. All living systems are affected by external an...
The human body, even at rest, needs energy to perform necessary physiological functions. Strict cond...
Changes in geomagnetic conditions have been shown to affect the rhythms produced by the brain and heart and that human autonomic nervous system activity reflected in heart rate variability (HRV) over longer time periods can synchronize to changes in the amplitude of resonant frequencies produced by...
Changes in geomagnetic conditions have been shown to affect the rhythms produced by the brain and he...
Biopsychosocial Wellbeing and Its Relationship With Geomagnetic Field Fluctuations in Lithuania. Doctoral Dissertation, Medical and Health Sciences, Public Health (M 004), Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, 2020. …
Biopsychosocial Wellbeing and Its Relationship With Geomagnetic Field Fluctuations in Lithuania. Doc...
Aim The aim of this research was to identify the interactions between Earth’s local time varying magnetic field and cardiovascular system parameters in women, performing sedentary work, during their workweek. Tasks The tasks of research: 1. To examine the relationship between the Earth’s...
Aim The aim of this research was to identify the interactions between Earth’s local time varyi...
Objectives Atrial fibrillation is the most frequent cardiac arrhythmia affecting over 3 percent and appears to be increasing in general population. In addition to widely discussed such risk factor as obesity, arterial hypertension, electrolytes disbalances and dysfunction of thyroid, there is m...
Objectives Atrial fibrillation is the most frequent cardiac arrhythmia affecting over 3 percent...
Objectives Acute coronary syndrome as an acute oxygenated blood deprivation to the heart muscle due to atherosclerotic plaque rupture in the coronary artery followed by thrombosis is possibly associated with changes in the Earth’s local time varying magnetic field as they strongly influence ho...
Objectives Acute coronary syndrome as an acute oxygenated blood deprivation to the heart muscle due...
The impact of changes in the geomagnetic field on the human body remains the subject of studies across the world, yet there is no consensus. Current studies are observing effects that require further work by researchers in order to find out the mechanisms that would allow a proper assessment of the...
The impact of changes in the geomagnetic field on the human body remains the subject of studies acro...