
Browse our Research section.Browse our Research section to learn about HMI’s tools and technologies that help people improve emotional balance, health and performance.

345 results in Research

Modulation of Heart and Brain Function by Surah Al-Rehman Recitation Among Distressed Diabetic Patie...

The current study explores psychophysiological modulation in diabetic distress in response to Surah...

The Heart-Led Counselling Programme (HLC): Developing a Programme to Reduce Anxiety, Using Heart-Led...

The aim of this integrative literature review was to explore the current published research relating...

The Effects of Bio-Intrinsic Transformational Therapy™ on Depression and Anxiety in Adolescents

There has been a steady increase in depressive and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents ove...

HeartMath as Scientific Meditation Method in Dialogue with Theological Phenomena

The HeartMath Institute originated in 1991 through Doc Childre’s vision of promoting heart intellige...

Revising the Script: Mixed-Method Study of Trauma Drama for Complex Trauma-Exposed Youth in Resident...

Creative-arts interventions have historically been used to treat people exposed to complex trauma. I...

Investigation of Parallels Between Human Basal Metabolic Features and Local Earth Magnetic Field

The human body, even at rest, needs energy to perform necessary physiological functions. Strict cond...

Is Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Useful in Children and Adolescents? A Systematic Review

Heart rate variability (HRV) is considered as an index of both physical and emotional health, and bi...

Does Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Enhance Executive Functions Across the Lifespan? A Systemati...

The scope of this systematic review was to summarize the existing literature on the effects of heart...

Novel Methodological Tools for Behavioral Interventions: The Case of HRV-Biofeedback. Sham Control a...

Scientific research on heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback is burdened by certain methodologica...

Alternative Devices for Heart Rate Variability Measures: A Comparative Test–Retest Reliability Study

Using healthy adult participants, seven measures of heart rate variability were obtained simultaneou...