
Browse our Research section.Browse our Research section to learn about HMI’s tools and technologies that help people improve emotional balance, health and performance.

343 results in Research

Can Heart Rate Variability Be a Bio-Index of Hope? A Pilot Study

This pilot cross-sectional observational study aimed to examine the relationships between HRV and th...

Personality Traits Affect Anticipatory Stress Vulnerability and Coping Effectiveness in Occupational...

The present study aimed at investigating the influence of personality on both anticipatory stress vu...

Quick Coherence Technique Facilitating Commercial Pilots' Psychophysiological Resilience to the...

This study investigates the effect of quick coherence technique (QCT) on commercial pilots' resilien...

Can HRV Training Make Us Happy: An Experimental Study on University Students

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of 8 weeks of HRV (Heart Rate Variability) trai...

Reducing Anxiety and Social Stress in Primary Education: A Breath-Focused Heart Rate Variability Bio...

Primary school students suffer from high levels of anxiety and stress. Having emotional regulation a...

The Utilization of Stress Management in Critical Care Nurses to Decrease Nursing Burnout

Since COVID-19, nurses have felt the pressure from the pandemic on their shoulders. The practice pro...

Following the Rhythm of the Heart: HeartMath Institute's Path to HRV Biofeedback

This paper outlines the early history and contributions our laboratory, along with our close advisor...

Correlation Between ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction, Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction and t...

Stronger oscillations in the local Earth magnetic field may have an impact on the course of ischemic...

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Training Leads to Improvements in Measures of Employee Mental and Physi...

Data indicated that work-related stress could cost organizations financially, with losses associated...

HeartMath as an Integrative, Personal, Social, and Global Healthcare System

COVID-19 is a recent major event, adding to planet Earth’s contexts of chaos, crime, injustice, illn...