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Calendar of Events 2024 November 2024 November 15-18, 2024, The Upshift Summit, Free Online Event. Are you ready to become inspired, empowered, and equipped with the consciousness to contribute meaningfully? Upshift yourself, your family, your business, and impact global change! Hosted by Professor...
Calendar of Events 2024 November 2024 November 15-18, 2024, The Upshift Summit, Free Online Event. A...
Mexico Adventure of the Heart! You can hear Jane Corbett of Oxford England, describe why these events were so transformative and such a unique journey and learning experience for her. This year’s is titled Awakening Our Heart’s Intelligence: Activate the Intuitive Heart. Click here to Register. Take...
Mexico Adventure of the Heart! You can hear Jane Corbett of Oxford England, describe why these event...
Welcome to HeartMath Institute’s Alliances Diverse alliances enrich HeartMath Institute’s research, technology and tools for reducing stress, building resilience and improving performance. HeartMath believes maintaining professional relationships and partnerships with scientific, health, educational...
Welcome to HeartMath Institute’s Alliances Diverse alliances enrich HeartMath Institute’s research,...
Jeff Goelitz Education specialist, senior master trainer and program and curriculum developer for HeartMath Institute. Author, Speaker and Master Trainer Goelitz has gained vast knowledge, experience and understanding of behavior and social and emotional learning in the many years he has been with H...
Jeff Goelitz Education specialist, senior master trainer and program and curriculum developer for He...
Deborah Rozman, Ph.D. Psychologist; president and CEO of HeartMath Inc. and HeartMath parent company Quantum Intech Inc., which oversees strategic alliances and the expansion of HeartMath technologies internationally. Author, Speaker and Business Executive Deborah Rozman is founding executive direct...
Deborah Rozman, Ph.D. Psychologist; president and CEO of HeartMath Inc. and HeartMath parent company...