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This paper introduces the Schumann Resonance Complexity Index (SRCI), computed by using the calibrated H-rank algorithm on the local magnetic field data recorded by each magnetometer of the Global Coherence Monitoring System. Tidal wave data recorded at each monitoring station are also used to compu...
This paper introduces the Schumann Resonance Complexity Index (SRCI), computed by using the calibrat...
Both consciousness and quantum phenomenon are subjective and indeterministic. In this paper, we propose consciousness is a quantum phenomenon. A quantum theory of consciousness (QTOC) is presented based on a new interpretation of quantum physics. We show that this QTOC can address the mind and...
Both consciousness and quantum phenomenon are subjective and indeterministic. In this paper, we prop...
A substantial body of research has demonstrated the relationships between cardiac arrhythmias and geomagnetic activity. In this work, the idea is centered on finding the relationship between the local magnetic field (LMF) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI). It is hypothesized and demonstrate...
A substantial body of research has demonstrated the relationships between cardiac arrhythmias and ge...
Changes in geomagnetic conditions have been shown to affect the rhythms produced by the brain and heart and that human autonomic nervous system activity reflected in heart rate variability (HRV) over longer time periods can synchronize to changes in the amplitude of resonant frequencies produced by...
Changes in geomagnetic conditions have been shown to affect the rhythms produced by the brain and he...
The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) is a science-based, international effort that conducts research on interactions between humans and the Earth’s magnetic field environment as well as collective intention on promoting peace, and harmony. To carry out one aspect of the interconnectedness research,...
The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) is a science-based, international effort that conducts researc...
Biopsychosocial Wellbeing and Its Relationship With Geomagnetic Field Fluctuations in Lithuania. Doctoral Dissertation, Medical and Health Sciences, Public Health (M 004), Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, 2020. …
Biopsychosocial Wellbeing and Its Relationship With Geomagnetic Field Fluctuations in Lithuania. Doc...
All biological systems, which are embedded within the Sun and Earth’s magnetospheres, are exposed to invisible fluctuating magnetic fields that span a wide range of frequencies . It is well known that geomagnetic field line resonances and the Schumann resonances, which exist in the cavity betw...
All biological systems, which are embedded within the Sun and Earth’s magnetospheres, are expo...
Objectives Acute coronary syndrome as an acute oxygenated blood deprivation to the heart muscle due to atherosclerotic plaque rupture in the coronary artery followed by thrombosis is possibly associated with changes in the Earth’s local time varying magnetic field as they strongly influence ho...
Objectives Acute coronary syndrome as an acute oxygenated blood deprivation to the heart muscle due...
This long-term study examined relationships between solar and magnetic factors and the time course and lags of autonomic nervous system (ANS) responses to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity. Heart rate variability (HRV) was recorded for 72 consecutive hours each week over a five-month pe...
This long-term study examined relationships between solar and magnetic factors and the time course a...
A coupling between geomagnetic activity and the human nervous system’s function was identified by virtue of continuous monitoring of heart rate variability (HRV) and the time-varying geomagnetic field over a 31-day period in a group of 10 individuals who went about their normal day-to-day...
A coupling between geomagnetic activity and the human nervous system’s function was identified...