HeartMath Institute
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Experience the Planetary Shift on an Uptilt A planetary shift is under way. Many sense this shift internally and we perceive that time is accelerating. It's hard to keep up. We're constantly bombarded by an ever-increasing number of choices. Emotions peak and ebb to extremes in the span of...
Experience the Planetary Shift on an Uptilt A planetary shift is under way. Many sense this shift in...
Is there a greater bond than that of mother and baby? The preliminary findings of a recent study provide evidence of another facet of that bond and demonstrate further that electromagnetic waves produced by one person’s heartbeat can be detected by the brains and nervous systems of others around the...
Is there a greater bond than that of mother and baby? The preliminary findings of a recent study pro...
Heart Field: An electromagnetic field produced through the heart that can be detected sever al feet from the individual. Many believe that conscious awareness originates in the brain alone. Recent scientific research suggests that consciousness actually emerges from the brain and body acting togethe...
Heart Field: An electromagnetic field produced through the heart that can be detected sever al feet...
The concept of an energy exchange between individuals is central to many of the healing arts that involve contact or proximity between practitioner and patient. One main obstacle to the acceptance of these therapies by Western science has been the lack of a plausible mechanism to explain the nature...
The concept of an energy exchange between individuals is central to many of the healing arts that in...
The idea that an energy exchange of some type occurs between individuals is a central theme in many healing techniques. This concept has often been disputed by Western science due to the lack of a plausible mechanism to explain the nature of this energy or how it could affect or facilitate the heali...
The idea that an energy exchange of some type occurs between individuals is a central theme in many...
The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) is a science-based, international effort that conducts research on interactions and interconnectivity between human consciousness and the Earth's magnetic and energetic field environment, with the intention of promoting peace and harmony. …
The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) is a science-based, international effort that conducts researc...
Using a network of global sensors, GCI researchers are exploring how our health and behavior is affected by magnetic changes in the sun and Earth, and how we as humans have the capacity to affect the global energy field through our emotional responses. …
Using a network of global sensors, GCI researchers are exploring how our health and behavior is affe...
Join a community of people who are dedicated to awakening the heart of humanity and raising the vibration of the global field environment. Become a Global Coherence Emissary. …
Join a community of people who are dedicated to awakening the heart of humanity and raising the vibr...
Awakening the Power of We: The New Science of Interconnectivity Gregg Braden and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. New and exciting discoveries are reshaping 150 years of scientific thinking about our relationship to one another and our planet. Today, for example, scientists say human beings are intimately conn...
Awakening the Power of We: The New Science of Interconnectivity Gregg Braden and Rollin McCraty, Ph....
A holoflux theory of consciousness as energy is hypothesized and shown to support both local and non-local properties. This thesis emerges from an integral evaluation of evidence drawn from three sources: (1) the holonomic mind/brain theories of Karl Pribram, (2) the ontological interpretation of qu...
A holoflux theory of consciousness as energy is hypothesized and shown to support both local and non...